- Added a lot of people to my friends list :)
- Had the best birthday party ever, thanks to my friends :)
- Added my self as a member of 2 different big family :)
- First trip alone to abroad, even not so far :)
- Had 7 man thats says, they love me (its a history for me!!) even though i only loved 1 of them up until now :)
- Being in the very bottom of my life for the first time, till i need to escape from life for a few days, for the 1st time :(
- Had my very emotionally intense kiss for the 1st time :) (normally i kissed as a hallo )
- Had my very comfortable hug, in my very weak point ever, even only for 10 minute :)
- Failed to maintain 6 friendship :(
- Failed in my job for the first time :(
- Had chance to get to know West Sumatera even better than before :)
- Make a brave decision for chasing my dream, which gonna put my life in uncertainty for couple years :)
- Has a scandalous life for the 1st time :(
- Reached pretty high salary, since i started working :)
- Learning and fall for NGO world :)
- Had chance to explore many different area with very cool vehicle :)
- Has a very dynamic life, that made me work without any sleep at all :)
- And, the best part, i finally figured out, many people love me, am blessed to have them in my life :)
Jumat, 30 Desember 2011
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
Sebuah Pertanyaan
Aku tak pernah mau bertanya, seberapa jauh manusia mau berlari dari hasrat, karena jawabannya adalah tidak jauh. Namun aku ingin menolak kenyataan bahwa manusia bisa bergerak jauh karena hasrat.
Hasrat adalah tetap sebuah misteri untuk ditaklukkan oleh manusia. Ada yang berusaha dengan keras, hingga dia bisa membuat hasrat itu terkendali, namun lebih banyak manusia yang hasratnya menjadi lebih liar dari seharusnya, karena berusaha sejalan dengan hasrat itu.
Pun aku sendiri, telah mengenali banyak hasrat dalam hidupku. Hasrat terliar yang ada didiri manusia sudah pernah ku jelajahi. Namun hasrat ini tidak pernah berbatas, bahkan ketika semua batas telah tertembus. Masih ada lapisan hasrat yang menggoda untuk kukenali. Lapisan yang liar namun terlarang.
Sampai saat ini aku masih menantang diriku sendiri, seberapa jauh aku berani melangkah atau mungkin berlari mengikuti hasrat itu,......belum ada jawaban pasti, karena otakku masih berpikir, sedangkan hatiku ber asa dengan merana. Apakah ada perhentian segera sesudahnya ?
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
salam pada rindu
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011
hutan pinus
untuk mu
Minggu, 11 September 2011
day 10
Selasa, 06 September 2011
i will get hurt deep
if i go
i dont know how much its will hurt me
should decided to stay
or to go ?
Kamis, 01 September 2011
day 9
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
day 8
the choice
Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
little girl that dying
Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011
Rindu Rielke
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
Day 7
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
day 6
after taking the medicine, i feel okey,..i feel full and more calm,..or too calm,..am not sure, i had severe cold and menstruation to,..so, i dont know the exact feeling that i have now. but in general, i feel okey, even i feel a lil bit not me, in first hour of taking that pills. i hope this week will end soon,..and i will go for control again,...i need my laugh back,...i need my concius mind back,...
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
day 4
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Day 3
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
Day 2
but, may be because i read to much about depression, first and even until now, there is a doubt about mania time. may be its not normal, may be its mania. but after i read more about manic depressive, am not part of it. because i dont feel any energy escalate, or even mood roller coaster.
i try to hold the temptation for taking medicine again to day, even i feel worse than yesterday. i feel empty again in my head, but i try to distract my focus to reading. and i made it, finished one book in 3 hour. not bad. and i planned to hold this situation till i met my shrink tomorrow. hope i will came up with better situation even he will declare that am free from my depression ,.....AMMMMMIIIIIIIIINNNN,....
Senin, 06 Juni 2011
day 1
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
Declared WAR!!
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
27 th
still alone, no company, no honey
no money,..
27 already
battling with never ending depression
for almost 3 years
battling with fragile bodies
for the entire life till
27 already
still looking for some cure
still looking for some peace
still looking place to reconcile with life
still looking for the best way
to pray,..
27 already
and am in circle that hard to break
27 already
wishing for many things
but, only can working for several things
27 already
God, give me chance to heal
body and soul,...
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
But yet, far from satisfied, i counted the pain. Thinking about so many useless things, that actually happen ( some are very bad,..but i should overcome and forget them ), and stuck in some point, in the corner of boredom. When that feeling came, all the confusion, all the passionless spirit, all the anger that appears faster than it should,...i cant handled. I loose my self to tears, that should not come, i guest.
I know the boredom will drawn me, deeper and deeper to another pain. But, what if, theres no right person around that i can tell my pain, who can understand me, and not tutoring me about life,..caused that thing also boring. How can i erased this feeling ?
Stuck feeling, came along with the boredom. Feels like u cant move ur feet anywhere but back same spot. Seeing wrong person, can exploded the anger that should not came. And again,...how can i get out from here ?
I really want to scream and run out from all this feeling,...but, yet the feeling grow so fast in me,..out of my control,...
Minggu, 20 Februari 2011
The way GOD Joking with me,...
Senin, 03 Januari 2011
sebuah jalan sepi,...
menjelajah jalan sepi,..
tak berpohon dan panas,..
apa yang bisa terlintas dipikiran ini
selain jalan batu berdebu
segala emosi beku
mencair, bahkan mendidih,...
namun jalan ini sepi
tak ada yang bisa kulempari dengan batu,...
pikiran ku melantur
seperti peluh ku yang meluntur
sekali lagi,..
kupapah pikiranku
mencoba untuk berpikir baik,...
ditengah jalan sepi,
tak berpohon dan panas ini,..