i wake up from my bed,..
when my dream still hanging,
somewhere in my ceiling,..
im not completely realized
how things going on arround me
everything run out of my consiusness
i otomaticly bathed,..
i otomatily dressed,..
i otomaticly ate my breakfast,..
n otomaticly run to my door,..
chasing for another otomatic things,..
ad i begin my day,..
without say regard to the sun,..
who havent woke up,
and who should ligth up for my days.
when my dream still hanging,
somewhere in my ceiling,..
im not completely realized
how things going on arround me
everything run out of my consiusness
i otomaticly bathed,..
i otomatily dressed,..
i otomaticly ate my breakfast,..
n otomaticly run to my door,..
chasing for another otomatic things,..
ad i begin my day,..
without say regard to the sun,..
who havent woke up,
and who should ligth up for my days.